Wisdom from the Saddle |
In light of current events, it can be really hard to believe that phrase, but once we look at the causative factors, possibilities, and reality of a situation, even the most dire circumstances start to look synchronous. When we accept and embrace the synchronicities of life, even the seemingly negative ones, we begin to embrace the fullness of life itself, and dissolve dualistic ideals that keep separation and conflict alive. It is easier to embrace this thought when things happen that immediately and unexpectedly benefit us. Such as; " I couldn't find my keys, which made me 5 minutes late, but on my way here I passed a huge accident that just happened, and I wonder if I had found them earlier, would I be in that accident?"
A more subtle and often hard to comprehend example would be of needless pain and suffering that we see in the war-torn regions on our planet, or the decimation of pristine woodlands for the sake of money. It is natural to feel empathy for those who suffer, or guilt for being a part of a system that supports an the transformation of the natural world into money-making ventures, and that is exactly where the good of the tragedies lie, in the awareness and intention that is evoked from their existence. 11/14/2019 0 Comments Wisdom from the Saddle Where to start on the first day of starting something I've been thinking about starting for years? With so many ideas jumbled around in my head, I should start just where I am... today.
Today I am 20 weeks pregnant with my first child with my dear husband Nixon. I am blessed enough to be in my warm comfortable home, drinking tea and watching the sun rise as he has leaves the house to work out in the elements to provide for our family. I never thought I would be a housewife, being a career student, spending so much on education that I now use fractions of... This education allows me to communicate in the highest levels and provides me with tools to heal and grow my family and community, but it has not become my purpose, which for the longest time, I believed it truly was. Now I use my expensive mind and healing hands to defend and design the climate of my home. I like to call myself a "Domestic Dominatrix". I am over-educated, over-driven, and under-worked, and learning how to enjoy the quiet moments of life, as this life grows inside me. I am learning to enjoy the spaces in between the bustle, as the Italians call it "Dolce far Niente", which means the sweetness of doing nothing. Isn't that what meditation teaches us too? Besides the sweetness of presence, being the steward of the home is an art that I believe is quickly being lost in our modern feministic world. The idea that women are equal to men has driven us to adapt overly masculine traits, pursue money with unnatural vigor, and abandon the heartbeat of our lives; the home. This is the time of the feminine rise to power, the time during which the pendulum swings from yang to yin, the time where the feminine quality is being cried out for, to help heal our wounded world. I don't believe that feminine power is being called upon to fight like the masculine foes we face, but to replace this executing and dominating mentality with receptivity, nourishment, and abundance. Women don't naturally strive to go out and conquer the world, our natural tendency is to include it, to bring it into our embrace, and create beauty where there was once deformity. We are equal to men, but we are different, and our differences are sorely needed. This understanding has led me to become the domestic dominatrix I am now; because, I understand my role in creating the dream of our home, which in turn, shapes the dreams of the world. It is an honor to stand in solidarity with a man who is willing to go out and bring home the hunt, while I tend to the heart and hearth, to make sure the food he brings home nourishes the proper seeds, so that a healthy family tree may grow. Every home is a garden, and every person in it is their own kind of plant with their own specific needs. A healthy garden has a keeper who walks, observes, and nourishes it every day, someone who knows the uniqueness of every plant, giving light, space, and water accordingly. Without a keeper, the success of the garden is left up to chance, and I'm not willing to risk it. Today a part of my being the DD is to go and help haul hay for our horse. She is a 18 yr old Appaloosa/Quarter Horse that has been a part of my life since I helped her mama bring her into this world so many years ago. Daisy is the last of a family of great teachers, warriors and healers that enriched my life through their gentle lessons and strong backs. Horses have been my educators since I was old enough to hold the reins, and the saddle was my classroom. Wisdoms from the saddle are nuggets of perspective and clarity I was gifted by this quickly-dying practice of horsemanship, and I hope to portray these lessons in a way that honor the way they shaped my life. Wisdom nugget for today: No hooves, no horse. If your horse's feet aren't healthy, your horse isn't healthy, and you could easily lose them entirely without proper care. Things that lead to unhealthy hooves are wet, dirty, muddy conditions where the hooves are not allowed to dry out and harden on firm surfaces, negligence of up keep; including cleaning and trimming, and over-excess of sugar. This relates to our own lives; what kind of ground are we standing on? What kind of environments are we spending most of our time in? Are they building a firm foundation for us to walk strong on, or are we getting sucked in and having our foundations weakened? If we feel frequently destabilized and stuck by our environment, it's probably time to do a remodel or find a new one. What kind of regular maintenance are we doing on our foundation? Do we have an idea of what our foundation is made up of? What kind of practices or organizations do we use to help strengthen our foundational values such as regular prayer, meditation, church, or activity? If we feel lost, or like our priorities are getting skewed, it is wise to establish regular practices to strengthen our foundation, and help make walking the walk less haphazard. Are we over-indulging in the sweeter things? Has candy and comfortability taken an unnaturally important role in our lives? Self-care is important, but as with all things, it requires balance. Discipline and dedication make self-indulgence sweet, where over-indulgence can rot your teeth, and make you lose sight of your goals, and aspirations, which help in strengthening your foundation. I have so much gratitude for the lessons this beautiful life has bestowed upon me, and the wisdoms taught from that saddle. Thanks for reading the lucid ramblings of this country bumpkin. May you be blessed with the answers your heart desires, and find the will to create the world you want. |
AuthorI can't say that I know any more than my brothers and sisters on this planet. I know that my experiences lead me to my truths, and many of the truths that I have discovered often resonate with those I share them with. This is affirmation that these truths are universal, and can be found by anyone who seeks to find them. I feel compelled to share my truths because they help me, and if I can help another reach clarity a little easier I am so grateful to do it. Here are the thoughts and stories of a country bumpkin, may they fill your life with joy, peace, or at the very least, a little entertainment. ArchivesCategories |